You can raise a request on Return/Refund within 7 days after successful delivery or from the date you accepted the items. If delivery is unsuccessful, you need to raise a request within 30 days of order's shipping date. We will strive to reach a decision regarding your claim within 7-10 business days and you can contact your account manager for more details.
If the return is due to an error on OPTIVISION WORLD (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.), OPTIVISION WORLD will cover all the shipping costs. Otherwise, the return shipping cost should be born by your own.
Usually, international orders may cause customs duties on import and export. If the items are returned from abroad, and the return is due to our error (you received an incorrect or defective item, etc.), we will cover the custom duties.
Packages returned without authorization or that are not acceptable for return will be rejected or be shipped back to you at your expense.
For returns submitted within 30 days of delivery date, you will receive a full or partial refund depending on the status of returned items listed below.
In most cases, we will refund you the returned items in the original method you paid for them. Also, you can refund it to your OPTIVISION WORLD account as OPTIVISION WORLD Credit which can be used for future orders.
We are here to help. Any questions, you can refer to our FAQ for help, or Contact Us.
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